The Creative Process

Have you ever wondered why a large percentage of workers hate their jobs and still endure to fulfill attendance just to get their pay? Have you noticed the rate at which entrepreneurs condescends to today’s workforce owing to lack of commitments and dedication on the part of salary seeking workers? Do you feel unfulfilled, low-self esteemed and tired of your present work ethics? Are you hungry for a solution and desire to know for sure your purpose and dream career?

God has already revealed His will to us concerning our vocation and Mission, by causing it to be “written in our members.” We are to begin deciphering our unique Mission by studying our talents and skills, and particularly which ones (or One) we most rejoice to use. (Richard N. Bolles).

My experience over the years in the media industry having played a pivotal role in establishing and managing firms has tattled a lot of mysteries, coupled with the weekly dosage of divine teachings from the pulpit of my great teacher and pastor (Pastor Paul Adefarasin).

I realized that we all have personality traits that make us unique and special (just like in the Heroes movie Series), but like most people, you may not know what they are. Why? Because they are hidden. I see these qualities in people everyday but it is more important they see for themselves. It is time to discover for yourself the special traits within you- your personal seeds of opportunity.

Time is the true measure of life. In fact, time is the currency of life. How you spend your time determines the quality of your life and death (your decision determines your destiny). You become whatever you buy with your time. Always be aware that everything and everyone around you is vying for your time. Time is important/vital to you because it is your life.

Your identity is who you are, it determines how you will naturally behave in a particular role, but a role does not change your identity. Life as you will agree forces us to play several roles simultaneously, such as a worker, parent and lover. It is important not to confuse the roles you play with your identity.
The role of a worker is one that confuses many people about their identity, because many people are in job positions that go against the grain of who they are.

Finding work that fits your identity (instead of trying to squeeze your identity into your job) will allow you express your true self, will lessen the discomfort and dissatisfaction you might otherwise feel, and will naturally result in positive self esteem.

I have seen many people who hate their jobs but are afraid to leave because they have no alternative. Finding your ideal work should be the result of discovering your own hidden talents, never something you stumble upon by accident or luck. You have heard that to be successful in your work, you should do what you love (Not a novel idea). Twenty-Five hundred years ago, a great philosopher said, ”Choose a work you love to do and you will never work another day in your life,” yet this age-old wisdom has not become widely practiced. Even the bible states on numerous accounts;

– Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. (Job 1:10 KJV)

– And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. (Psalm 90:17 KJV)

– For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then He shall reward every man according to his works. (Mathew 16:27 KJV)

Note my emphasis on the word ‘work’ as it connotes a particular occupation tailored after one’s identity, which is enjoyed, perfected and willfully disseminated towards a cause, which solves a problem and thus rewarding to the individual (Segun SEGA Awosanya).

This is supported biblically as recorded in that God is always stated to be in the business of blessing the works of the people that love Him and do His will and not their Jobs.
Thus a job on the other hand, (as often misconstrued with work,) denotatively is the work that someone does to earn money. This has nothing to do with passion, interest or commitment, the key word here is the value of the earnings (salary) at the end of the day, week or Month, thus many people still do not know what they love to do.
It may surprise you to know that most of the people in the world today are driven by incorrect priorities that occupy and control their lives. What are these priorities that master most of the human race?

Abraham Marslow (Motivation of human behaviour), a behavioral scientist and psychologist concluded that all human behaviour is driven by the same basic “hierarchy of needs”: Water, Food, Clothes, Housing, Protection, Security, Preservation, Self Actualisation and Significance.
It is important to note that Marslow listed these motivational needs in order of priority. Being honest, we would agree that the human rat race does indeed strive for all these things.

‘We go to work (on our jobs that is) everyday, and some even hold down two or more jobs, just to secure water, food, clothing, and protection. What a tragedy, to think that the basic priority driving most humans is that of simple survival!’ (Dr. Myles Munroe).

These days, people even remember God and go to church simply because of these basic needs (if we add as well as consider the need/search for husbands and wives under security). Thus, in a way much of what we call “faith” is nothing more than striving for the very things on Marslow’s list. This is been noted especially in Africa, where we were taught to think that our resources are scarce and can never go round, thus making gluttons of our leaders and feeds self-aggrandizement in public services.

God established His priority at the beginning of creation and made it clear by His own declaration to mankind. Jesus Christ came to earth and reestablished God’s number-one priority. Should it surprise us to discover that God’s priority for mankind is completely opposite to man’s priorities? (Matthew 6:25 – 33).

The bible challenges Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Matt 6:25) and contradicts its order. Jesus’ statement also exposes man’s defective priority and confirms our preoccupation with the less important. His admonition to us not to worry implies that these basic needs for maintenance should not be the primary motivator for human action. The word worry in the context means to consume in thought, to cern, fretting, fear of the unknown, and to rehearse the future over which we have no control.

Basically, our self worth is more important than our basic needs and should never be sacrificed for the sake of those needs. The thrust of the verses above is that our confidence in our Creator’s obligation and commitment to sustain his creation should lead us to cultivating and maintaining a healthy relationship with His Kingdom and Himself.

We human beings are like magnets (actually the most powerful in the universe), we attract anything we set our minds on through the belief of the possibility. It is advised that when we pray (that is employ the earthly license for heavenly intervention), we ask for God’s intervention in situation of need or direction, we believe that we have already received (not just by faith but in our action) then we will provoke the auction of a definite grant of our request in a divine manner.

This is the law of attraction, this is the creative process and this is what I do, your thoughts become things…

Trust me it works!


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I’m using this medium to welcome you all to my world. A place where I share my experience in my journey through life.

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